By Inner Instinct Or Egoistic Calculation?

627.2Comment: Many people who get married try to draw up a prenuptial agreement in such a way as to win at the expense of the other party.

My Response: Naturally. Our egoism already implies this. Why do we create a family?

A woman gets married because she sees that she has a reliable partner with whom she can have children. And he will provide for the family as much as he can.

She looks at him as a serious support for her future children, like a female looks at a male who must provide her with everything necessary for reproduction and raising offspring. This is a woman’s natural attitude to marriage.
Talk to biologists and psychologists about this. This is the only way we choose.

But the problem is that we have moved away from nature. Animals choose according to their scent, to their inner instinct. A female sees that it is with this male that she will be able to create the most optimal family and raise offspring. This is how nature arranged it.

But in humans all sorts of distortions are superimposed on this. For example, a man is interested in the length of a woman’s legs, whether she graduated from university, what the environment will say, or something else. We are very confused about each other’s assessments. But if we were acting by nature, this would, of course, be ideal.

Question: Why, when drawing up marital contracts, do men try to avoid the question of how to provide for their wife? They try to take everything from their wife, even if the children stay with her.

Answer: Why do women go for it? Why is such a contract drawn up? The most important thing in a family contract is to give a wife the opportunity to give birth and raise children. This is what a family exists for.

Comment: Today men do not want to get married at all, they are satisfied with civil marriages. Apparently, this is the answer to the fact that a woman who wants to start a family agrees to such conditions and signs a marriage contract.

My Response: Or because the state assumes this part of providing for a woman with children whose husband leaves her. Therefore, she subconsciously considers these options, and realizing that she can get help from society, from the state, agrees to such an agreement.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Marriage Contract” 8/19/09

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