Passover From The Point Of View Of Modern Realities, Part 4

534Comment: The Torah tells the story of when the evil Pharaoh came and the Egyptians were afraid of the power of the Jews. The decision was made to destroy the Jewish boys and to increasingly enslave the Jewish people even more with work, taxes, etc.

My Response: “Otherwise they will enslave us,” the Egyptians said. And they were right.

Question: Why didn’t the Jewish people, being such a huge force, rise up against them? They could have rebelled, negotiated…

Answer: This has never happened before! Jews fight only among themselves. They have never fought with any nation in their life because the struggle should be internal, not external.

Our problem is that we have to fight ourselves. We must raise ourselves to the level of bestowal, love, connection, to the level of revelation of the Creator. This is our victory, not conquering others. There is no such thing. What is the point?

The Egyptians opposed the Jews so that they would not be persuaded or subdued. The slavery in Egypt is slavery to the egoism.

The Jews lived very well, prosperously, and had absolutely everything. They were not slaves to “gnaw the ground.” Never in history have the Jews lived so well as in Egypt. When Moses began to tell them what they should achieve, they thought: “Do we need it?”

Question: What does it mean that the Jews sighed from the hard work?

Answer: This is spiritual work: so that while in egoism you can start working on developing internal altruistic actions.

Question: So they grew internally until they reached the age of forty that you mentioned earlier?

Answer: They had to reach this. And then they realized that by being among external and internal Egyptians, they would not be able to do it. They must come out of Egypt physically, and then they can come out of it internally, morally. In the end, this is what happened.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/12/19

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