Be As One

laitman_943All the commandments of the Torah are the laws of commutation between friends in a group in order to bring the whole group to the state of “one,” to one unit. This unit then will match to the Creator, He will begin to unfold in it.

Question: Is it important for me, working in the ten, to know that my friends are also obeying the commandments?

Answer: In his articles, Rabash writes that there must be mutual support; friends must influence each other and show each other an example. It is natural.

Question: If I am internally ready for my friends to do this for me, is this progress, since I understand that I am not the unit, but the ten?

Answer: Yes. When everyone in the ten strive to be like one, then they will get something, otherwise they will not.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 3/15/18

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