World AIDS Day

laitman_547_05Comment: The first of December is World AIDS Day. The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, was first discovered in 1981 and since then great efforts have been made to find a cure or a vaccination for this disease which is still incurable.

Answer: There are many such “dirty tricks” prepared for humanity to deal with.

When do diseases manifest? As soon as there are egoistic conflicts between us, when we use the egoism that has just been revealed in its most hateful forms, based on the resentment we feel toward each other, we are immediately shown a similar response.

This response descends from the spiritual level to the level of our mutual relations, to the corporeal level, and is revealed in the form of AIDS and many other infectious problems that spread throughout mankind. Suddenly diseases we thought were eradicated a long time ago emerge.

Question: Do you see a correlation between the problems that emerge and the egoistic evolution of humanity?

Answer: Yes, absolutely. I can’t say how exactly it will be revealed, but it is clear that if there is new egoism and we don’t correct in time, it leads to such outcomes on our level.

Question: Can we fight diseases with medication?

Answer: We can to a certain degree. We have to make great efforts and invest great resources to somehow mitigate the blow in the corporeal world, which on the spiritual level can be done at once.

One drop of medicine on the spiritual level operates almost immediately, whereas on the corporeal level, it involves spending billions of dollars. In any case, it is a violation of the balance of nature.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16

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