Night Into Day

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can we say that the whole Israeli nation will undergo the state of the darkness of Egypt, as dark clouds are building up around us and things are getting very tense. Is this the approaching night?

Answer: Of course. Otherwise it is impossible because we have to build the quality of bestowal, which starts with a desire and the desire for it can appear only in a state of night. We must remember that.

Night, sufferings, detachment, weakness, and disappointments are part of our way. We need to collect them all and yearn to advance; otherwise, we will not feel the day. In the Torah there is no day or night. The moment we process everything, we sense the night correctly, we will begin to feel the Light instead.

After all, what do we feel as day? The attitude of love and bestowal unto others. Now, however, we feel it as night, as darkness. It is only the change in our attitude towards darkness that will invoke the feeling of Light instead of darkness.

We don’t move from one sphere of the globe to the other side where the sun shines and fills everything with light. No, we process our negative impressions of bestowal, love, and mutual help internally into a positive attitude, and then night turns into day.

Everything takes place inside us, in our attitude towards these values. There can be nothing else. We always start from night, because the attribute of bestowal is night for us.

When we correct our negative feelings and impressions and change them, we feel Light and day in the opposite state. We are the ones who determine internally what is night and what is day.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/12/14

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