Giving Way To The Wise

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Do the spiritual states of “morning, day, evening,” and “night” apply to all people in the world?

Answer: This applies only to those who have two properties inside: reception and bestowal. The desire to receive is called the heart and the desire to bestow is the point in the heart.

If they feel this separation in themselves and seek to find the meaning of life and are not satisfied with what revolves around them, if they feel depressed because of disappointment in this world and yearn for something higher, only those people can advance according to this method and begin to attain the upper state.

If they don’t have this predisposition, the spiritual genes, then they are in the framework of our world and see their actions only within it. We see this in various politicians, economists, etc. Look at how they appear on TV screens: anxious, preoccupied with their own games. This is the exact representation of one-dimensional creatures, machines, mechanical toys.

Question: It turns out that their time has not yet come?

Answer: I don’t think it will come. However, the hour will come when they have, in due course, to give way to the wise, to people who understand that the system of nature consists of two forces and not the one-dimensional world which we are no longer able to manage. After all, our world is gradually moving, rising to the next stage, being revealed to us as a two-dimensional world, which is composed of two forces.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/4/13

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