Are You Awake? Don’t Lie Down!

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe hear more and more new details on the news about the general global crisis, although many things still remain unsaid. The real situation is much worse than we know. The world leaders themselves are not aware of the actual extent of the problem.

So we have to disseminate the method of correction as fast as we can. It’s our duty. We haven’t developed it enough. We have to accelerate things and “hit the gas pedal.” Then we’ll be able to prepare it and to present it to the world.

In Israel things are also going from bad to worse, and this is only “mild decrease” from Above. They are meant to make us feel pressure and to want to “sweeten” them. We have to explain to people exactly how we can sweeten the bitterness.

We hear about it, we understand what’s going on to a certain level; we have received an awakening from Above. If we don’t try as hard as we can to develop the method in order to present it to the people, we are putting ourselves in grave danger.

We’ll be the first to experience all the troubles in order to awaken us to fulfill our vocation. Baal HaSulam writes about it at the end of “The Introduction to The Book of Zohar.” He says that the Jewish people are responsible for the nations of the world and so we are also responsible for the Jewish people. If people have been awakened, if they can hear what needs to be done and they don’t do it, I won’t rejoice at their troubles, but I am telling you in advance that the troubles will undoubtedly arrive. It’s because the Creator has assigned a special role for each one and we mustn’t escape it.

Here is a passage from Baal HaSulam, Letter 18: And so there is no correction for a person, but to straighten all the present moments and all future ones so that they shall be dedicated and presented for His great name. Whoever postpones a moment before Him, since it is difficult, reveals his stupidity to everyone, since all the worlds, and all the times are worthless for him, when the Light of His face is not dressed in the changes of the times, although a person does change by them in his work.

We have no choice; we have to devote all these moments. If you don’t do that you automatically summon upon yourself the right account. Your inaction will not drown in piles of overdue paper work like in the case of public servants, and no one will pity you, since we are in a system that has clear laws.

You were awakened. By fulfilling it you feel a positive response and can go on. What’s more, you are not required to do more then you can, since this is a closed system that takes all the parameters into account. But if you don’t fully respond, you’ll feel the pressures that are put upon you accordingly.

So if you are sitting and waiting for something, it’s a great pity, the results are inevitable. I don’t understand what you are waiting for if you already have the opportunity to connect through the group and to wake up from the dream. Let’s hope we will be wiser.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/31/12, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

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