The Source Of All Destruction

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Book of  Zohar, Chapter “Shlah Lecha (Send for Yourself)” Item 17: And the scouts sent by Moses caused lamentation in the coming generations because on that day the First and the Second Temples were destroyed, and they brought about the loss of many thousands and tens of thousands among Israel. And they became the reason for the departure of Shechina from the land and from the people of Israel. And it is said about those who were sent by Joshua: “He will return the soul of his Lord.”

The source of destruction in all generations, meaning on all stages of corruption and corrections, is a person’s decision not to follow the spiritual path because of fear, laziness, disregard, or lack of desire. “This is good, but it’s not for me,” as the scouts said when they came back from the land of Israel. This is the source of all woes.

A question arises: But misfortunes happened prior to that as well, in Egypt and before Moses sent “the scouts to the land of Israel?” This is correct, but we are talking about the final battle for the land of Israel when the scouts said: “True, it’s good there, but it’s not for us.”

This point is very important. Essentially, a person exists in it all the time. Every time we correct precisely this root, by making a decision that it’s not only good, but it’s also for me. But what is good? It’s bestowal. This is what the scouts were afraid of: “Can we even reach bestowal? I am opposite to it. Is it what I want?! I can say from a distance that bestowal is good. But can I get closer to it, reach it? I don’t have any energy or need.…” This way we reject it on various levels.

This is the very place of correction. This means that in every moment of our life we exist in this crucial point where we have to correct “the sin of the scouts.”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/9/2011, The Zohar

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One Comment

  1. fascinating, it can be even more difficult when one is in a poor environment that scorns such a person and calls him weak (*cough* America) for being loving and giving. I have found people who actively seek such people to use and abuse them.

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