As One Nation In A Family Circle

Dr. Michael LaitmanIsrael is overcome by a wave of social protest, but if we’re talking about the problem in general, the solution is simple: mutual guarantee, universal unification. But what does it mean?

It means that the entire nation watches as its representatives sit together at a round table and form a joint forum. A round table is exactly what we need to solve problems the way it is done in a family. We figure out who suffers most and begin to help him. Then we move on to the next in line, make calculations, find ways to compensate, and balance out the situation….

Everything is decided in a family circle, without coercion or opposition. We present our common demands to the government as terms.

We need a non-governmental forum comprised of our specialists: economists, sociologists, lawyers, and so on. Needless to say, we need experts who understand matters of law and other professional issues. If not, we would need to begin everything from scratch, whereas humanity is already several thousand years into its development. Our society has developed certain interconnections which we cannot ignore.

So, together with the help of these specialists, we as one whole nation bring to light the general picture and proceed to problem solving. We do it without shouting or excess noise, but by setting our main goal as unity and always aspiring toward it.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/12/2011, The Zohar

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