The Formula Of Infinity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The Book of Zohar talks about the inner states of my soul. But I don’t understand: What state do I have to imagine?

Answer: You have to imagine the state of gradual unification among everyone, the unification of all of us together. This is your soul. It’s when you try to unite everyone into one whole. If I make efforts to this end, this is my soul. If someone else does it, then it’s his soul.

Each of us is like a cell in a body that is trying to attach the whole organism to it. By doing so you acquire the entire body or desire and it is called your soul.

If for now you are only taking a part of the body and connecting to it only to a specific measure, then you have a partial soul. This means that you are on the path, on the ladder of the degrees.

But when you come to the conclusion of the path and attain the end of the ladder, the highest degree, Malchut of Infinity, there everything merges into one without any boundaries and with no end. However, each of us imagines the same Malchut of Infinity from his personal point of view because every person has his own root of the soul. Therefore, not one person becomes nullified when this happens. No one cancels their independence.

The only thing we have to discern while reading The Book of Zohar are the forms of connection among us. Each separate cell has just a desire. This is the entire wisdom of Kabbalah—it is the connection between desires because that is how they create unification, the entire might of Malchut.

For example, a computer does not contain anything besides a plus and a minus. But billions of connections between them form all of its might and abilities. Likewise, the entire work of our brain is based on countless connections between a plus and a minus, the will to enjoy and the will to bestow. They can unite to a greater or lesser extent, to a different degree, or not unite at all. There is nothing besides this. Yet out of the enormous accumulation of all the possible parts, consisting of different variations of connection or its absence between a plus and a minus, you get tremendous wisdom and truly Divine might.

Therefore, this is exactly what we are discerning, the forms of connection between these tiny parts or souls.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/11, The Zohar

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