Only the Upper Light’s Influence Can Give You the Importance of the Group

Only the Upper Light\'s Influence Can Give You the Importance of the GroupTwo questions I received on virtual groups

Question: I’m starting to feel kind of a pull towards “groups,” though I don’t know what groups or why. I’ve always been an outsider and an “independent” loner. I just want information about virtual groups: What do they do? How can I join one?

The understanding of the group’s importance comes from the influence of the Upper Light (Ohr Makif) on you. In the beginning a person doesn’t understand that the only way to enter the common soul is by connecting with others. He doesn’t understand that there is no other path to the spiritual world, to his soul. So without the influence of the Light, you wouldn’t have begun feeling a desire for the group. And the fact that you feel it is an enormous achievement! However, mostly it didn’t come from you, but from above. As Baal HaSulam writes, the Creator brings a person to the group and thus makes the choice for him, and the person’s choice lies in reinforcing himself in the group – in that which the Creator put his hand upon. Now you have to use it and develop it – it won’t happen by itself.

Later the Creator will push you away from the group and you will suddenly start scorning it, yet you will think that this feeling is coming from you rather than being sent to you by the Creator on purpose, and so on. And you will need to fight this feeling by increasing the importance of the group, of unity, of Shechina (the place of the Creator’s revelation).

Question: Recently you mentioned that groups outside of Bnei Baruch lack the presence of a Rav who would represent the Creator, the force of bestowal. In this case, how will a virtual group work, since it also lacks leadership by a Rav?

My Answer: I am fully present in the virtual group. I am their teacher and every person is my student, if he desires to be and learns what I pass to him. Everything depends only on one’s desire.

Related Material: Post: The Virtual Group Is a Part of the Common Kli Post: Problems in the Beginning Post: Spiritual Guidance and Direction in Kabbalah
Kabbalah Today Article: Better than the Virtual World!?

One Comment

  1. Dearest Rav,
    I have so many questions but this one I must now, Do you feel us the virtual group members who are isolated? Is the desire to be close to a group physically a part of the will to receive? I have been told many times that I should be “fine” until I can move close to a group. But, I try to disseminate with the hope of having a group close to me physically. Is this a selfish desire?

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