Measure Twice, Cut Once

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: People are still asking the same question: What must we do in practice?

Answer: If we are talking about a simple, mechanical action, then the less you do, the better. Less damage will be done. If you are able to work only by using your hands, then don’t do anything at all, as it is written: “It is better to sit and do nothing.”

First of all, we need to employ thought to discern. This is true specifically for those who are seriously engaged in studying Kabbalah, who will teach it to the rest of the world as the educational society that produces all types of media and disseminating information about Kabbalah and its method. In this case, there should be much more discernment and very little action.

However, the same goes for all of humanity. Everyone has to influence himself, his desire. Therefore, before anything else, I need to think about what inner and outer actions can change my desire so that I will want to raise MAN (a plea for correction). In essence, this is what finalizes my actions. I need only to ask, to feel the need to change, and to come to bestowal like the Creator, to step out of myself in order to delight Him.

So, how do I accomplish that? If I have to perform some external actions for this, I will, but in essence, the inner actions are what are required. No matter how simple the person, anyone can affect himself to start desiring this kind of transformation by way of various media such as film, music, and theater. After all, each person lives inside his desires, and we need to think about how to evoke in ourselves a desire to transform to bestowal.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/29/10, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”

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