Entries in the 'teacher' Category

The Difference Between Spiritual Correction And Ritual Observance

The Jewish Holidays Are Steps of Spiritual AscentTwo questions I received on religious observance:

Question: Weren’t the great Kabbalists such as Rav Ashlag , Moses Cordovero, and others religious? And why do you wear a Kippah (skullcap)!?

My Answer: You must distinguish between religion and a nation’s tradition or culture. When Baal HaSulam uses the word “religion,” he means only Kabbalah, which is for everyone. On the other hand, when he wants to speak about what we usually call “religion” in our world, he says “tradition” or “ethics (Musar).” See the article “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose.”

Therefore, Baal HaSulam writes that even after the full correction of the world, when everything will be revealed to all and there will be no place for faith (because “Everyone will know Me, from the smallest to the greatest”), the traditions will still remain as people’s culture. This is why I, who already live in this future, still respect the traditions of my nation, such as its holidays and other customs. This is also why I wear a Kippah (skullcap) and observe the rituals.

After the general correction of all souls in their earthly, bodily form, the souls will unite together into a one true soul of Adam on the level of the World of Infinity. At the same time the part of the souls that gives them a feeling of this world will also be corrected, and hence the perception of matter will also disappear. We will then continue to exist only in the form of the single soul of “Adam.”

Question: Why are there spiritual actions that we need to observe on the earthly level (such as Maaser, study, dissemination, and the group), as well as actions that we don’t have to observe physically (such as laying on the Tefillin)?

My Answer: Because actions such as Maaser, study, dissemination, and the group are real, whereas the others are still irrational for now, on your level, because you don’t yet have a screen to observe them. Regarding the actions that have a consequence in our world and the Upper World, each action is realized on its level and higher. The traditions should be observed by those to whom they belong by birth. This is one’s culture. Those from the nations of the world (non-Jews) who want to advance spiritually, don’t have to observe the corporeal traditions designated to Jews.

When you will gradually acquire a screen and start working with it, this is called observance of 613 commandments (correction of your intentions over 613 desires of the soul from “for yourself” to “for the Creator”) through 613 corrections (Tariag Eitin) and 613 fulfillments (Tariag Pkudin). You will start observing them yourself, as it is written, “A person’s soul teaches him.”

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Religion’s Place In Our Lives
Laitman.com Post: Why Does a Kabbalist Wear a Skullcap?
Kabbalah Today Article: A Mitzva
Baal HaSulam Article: “Building the Future Society”
Shamati #77: “One Learns from One’s Soul”

How To Overcome The Global Crisis

stepsGlobalization is the revelation of a new level of connection between us. It should be beneficial, but we see that it only brings us more and more problems. Why does this happen? It’s because we are using the global integral system backwards: in order to build ourselves up by bringing others down, instead of learning to work together. We are always trying to defeat, degrade, and be better than others.

This is happening because we have evolved to a point of total interconnection with each other, yet out interconnection is opposite to Nature, which is united. That’s because the interaction between us is absolutely egoistic: every person is ready to devour everyone else. However, the law of the system states that all of its parts must work together, in a coordinated fashion, according to the principle of “consider others as you consider yourself.”

When we attempt to build our interactions according to the most honest principle: “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours,” humanity as a system will deteriorate and we will elicit an even greater crisis. That’s because today, in our global interconnection, an egoistically honest person, business, bank, government, or regulator just “don’t work.”

So what should we do? We should consider the laws of the integral, locked system, which is like one body, and gradually correct ourselves according to it. In practical terms, this means:

  • Arranging distribution so every person will receive only as much as he needs,
  • Instituting a universal education system that teaches people about the law of humanity’s existence in a closed system.

Even the first movements we make in this direction will put an end to our opposition to Nature and bring us to harmony with it. Then the crises and suffering will vanish. Actually, the present crisis frees up enough people and forces in order to realize this project. Knowledge about the world we have suddenly found ourselves in will be met by everyone with understanding. The crisis taking place now has prepared us for this. Today we have to be reeducated about how to live in a closed, interconnected system, where “everyone is in one boat,” where the salvation of every person depends on everyone. We have to learn – and teach our children – about the new world.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Baal HaSulam on Human Nature
Laitman.com Post: Only the Creator’s Revelation Can Correct the World
Kabbalah Today Article: Globalization 101

Our TV Channel Discussed In The News

The Israeli magazine “Pnai Plus” published the following article about our TV channel (written in its usual, somewhat sarcastic tone):


Let’s Pray: The “Kabbalah” Channel

“Here’s a cute idea: a simple version of spirituality presented on a TV channel! I mean, come on, not everyone wishing to develop spiritually has to do it while sitting on a plastic chair in a live “spiritual” seminar. Some of us prefer to do our spiritual exploration without leaving the couch.

The organization Kabbalah L’Am, headed by Rav Dr. Michael Laitman, decided to hold an around-the-clock broadcast, and their motto is: “Connecting to Goodness.” In fact, it appears that this idea is gradually becoming a reality, even if that means showing the same TV-show host over and over again, who may already be showing signs of fatigue.

I gave it a try and watched the discussions, educational programs, shows about relationships between men and women, a live lecture by Dr. Laitman and his conversation with Gil Kopach about the weekly Torah portion. The final conclusion I have reached is that these guys are really down to business. They really want to make me feel good, and they manage to do it without preaching. I’ll definitely try it again.”

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Kabbalah Channel, YES 66, Brings Good Changes
Laitman.com Post: The Kabbalah Channel In Your Internet Browser

The Crisis Will Erase The War Of The Sexes

laitman_2008-11_wife-olga_100Two questions I received on the relationships between men and women:

Question: There is still the unresolved question regarding the behavior between men and women, all the conflicts between them as a model for all types of conflicts in any relationships: if this conflict is not resolved, there will be no resolution in all other relations.

In the modern world women are seeking to get equal with men – not in doing the same work, but getting the same acceptance as men who play their childish global games while women keep on doing all housekeeping, and we know that without this nothing will work in the world.

What is the aimed behavior of the future system here? And what does Mrs. Laitman think about Mr. Laitman in regard to this subject? One can see Mrs. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, but no one sees Mrs. Laitman!

My Answer: The war between the sexes is invented. The crisis will erase it and bring everyone back to their natural roles. And when we assume our natural roles, we will feel comfortable in life.

When I was studying with Rabash, Mrs. Laitman devoted much of her physical and emotional energy to taking care of my Teacher’s family, and she has always helped me in my path. And she continues to support me today!

However, “Kol Kvoda Bat Melech Pnima” (a woman’s greatness lies in her modesty) – she doesn’t want to advertise herself or be famous. She has no desire to entertain the public. She has children and grandchildren and is completely content with that!

Question: In one of your talks about men and women you said: “If we want to have a good, happy and successful family with good children, let’s correct our internality, which will then spread to the externality as well.” So, while we are still not corrected, why should we get married and give birth to children who will be miserable?

My Answer: So that you will have what to correct! According to tradition, a plate and a glass are broken during the engagement and wedding ceremonies, which alludes to the fact that we begin our path broken and uncorrected, and we must correct ourselves together in marriage (Zivug). Hence, a husband and wife unite so that the Creator will be revealed between them (Ish Ve Isha Ve Shechina Beynechem).

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Woman = Desire
Laitman.com Post: Man, Woman and Divinity Between Them
Between Men and Women
A Step Towards Kabbalah, Men and Women
Talk: Do Not Repeat the Mistakes! Recollections of Feiga Ashlag, the Widow of the Late Rav Baruch Ashlag

The Kabbalistic Definition Of Zion And “The Mixed Multitude”

Why Are There So Many Different Words In the Torah?Two questions I received on Zionism and “the Mixed Multitude”:

Question: What is Zionism? What does this have to do with Kabbalah and Bnei Baruch?

My Answer: “Kabbalah is the method of revealing the Creator to man in this world” (Baal HaSulam, article “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”). Zionism is a social movement in favor of returning to Zion (Israel). The Kabbalistic definition is as follows: the Land of Israel is also called “Zion,” from the word Yetzia – “exit” in Hebrew. Any person who exits the limits of our egoistic world and enters the Upper, Altruistic World, enters “Zion.” Mi Tzion Tize Tora (the Torah will come from Zion), means that when a person exits his egoistic state, he comes to the Light.

Question: During the last two lessons, you mentioned “the Mixed Multitude.” Who is this?

My Answer: “The Mixed Multitude” (Erev Rav) are the opponents of Kabbalah who prevent people from coming out of spiritual exile and revealing the Creator. And even after a person aspires toward bestowal and love, Erev Rav prevents him from advancing by any means possible. They came in Moses’s way when he was trying to lead the people out of Egypt (the spiritual exile) toward the revelation of the Creator. They also placed all kinds of obstacles in his way during the 40-year passage through the desert.

Today they also spread all kinds of rumors. They can no longer speak against Kabbalah, because this is no longer possible, but against the people who disseminate it, including our organization. It is written that they are Irei Hashem Ovdei Paroh – those who fear the Creator, but desire to remain inside their egoism.

The Gaon of Vilna (Agra) wrote in The Light of the Zohar, 3: 28 “Adam Ve Ishto”: “In the future Moses will reveal everything to us, unlike the way it is now hidden in the Torah in the form of stories intended for Erev Rav, who do not study the inner meaning.”

Related Material:
Kabbalists Write about the Wisdom of Kabbalah
Chapter from Book The Kabbalah Experience: “Spiritual Work”
Shamati #33: “The Lots on Yom Kippurim and with Haman”
Shamati #54: “The Purpose of the Work”
Baal HaSulam Article:” A Speech in Celebration of the Conclusion of The Zohar”

One Must Feel That He Is The Only Created Creature

contactQuestions I received on interpreting Baal HaSulam’s words and visiting graves of the righteous:

Question: In Shamati, Baal HaSulam mentions several times the “Masach de Hirik.” Would you please explain this phenomenon or concept?

My Answer: It is the correction of the soul in the middle line. One uses the egoism from the left line and the force of Light that corrects it from the right line, thereby building himself with the help of these two forces.

Question: What is the meaning of the word Yuli (יולי)?

My Answer: It is the initial material, from which everything developed.

Question: Why is the expression that Rav Ashlag uses, “What’s the meaning of my life?” and not for example: “What’s the meaning of life?”

My Answer: It’s because a person has to feel this question personally, to feel that his life depends on it completely. He has to feel that he is the only created creature (see the materials on Perception of Reality), and because of this, the purpose of life in general, of everyone’s lives, depends on his life.

Question: Where is the place in which the creature realizes his “I,” and on the other hand, realizes that there is none else beside Him?

My Answer: The place of realizing his “I” is in Malchut, and of realizing the Creator – in Keter.

Question: Does it help visiting the graves of the righteous and lighting a candle to sanctify the soul?

My Answer: Only psychologically!

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: We Have Civilizations Within Us
Laitman.com Post: What To Ask for At a Kabbalist’s Grave
Laitman.com Post: One’s Reward Depends On One’s Effort
Shamati #92 – “Explaining the Discernment of Luck”
Shamati #171 – “Zohar, Amor”
Shamati #179 – “Three Lines”

“Teacher And Student” Is A Connection Between Two Spiritual Levels

The Reshimot Surfacing Today Demand Spiritual Ascent of All HumanityA question I received: Regardless of everything you’ve said about the need for a Teacher in order to attain Kabbalah, I still have a very precise feeling that it isn’t right to settle for intervention from another person, an intermediary between myself and nature. I don’t want to attain it through someone else.

My Answer: You are like a child who decided to be in charge of his own education. If the Creator reveals Himself to you like He did to several special souls such as Adam, Abraham, and Moses, then perhaps you don’t need anything else – not even Kabbalistic books. However, if you’re one of the rest of the souls, then it’s useless to search on your own, because this is how the system itself is built.

“The teacher – student relationship” isn’t something we invented. It isn’t talking about people, but about a connection between the Upper Level and the lower level. We’re only using the quality and interconnection of the system of the souls. There is no other way to have a spiritual birth.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Spiritual Teacher
Laitman.com Post: Every Person Has to Find His Own Teacher
Talks About Spirituality: In memorial of Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, 1995
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

What Do Kabbalists See? (And What Do They Eat?)

The intention of attaining the Creator does not conflict with careerThree questions I received on the experience of being a Kabbalist:

Question: People come to you asking about what to change their name to, couples asking if they should get married and what to name their babies. How do you know what to answer them?

My Answer: I do not have any supernatural abilities. I give advice as a person with lots of life experience, and I may be wrong.

My recommendations hold no mystical spells or powers. In fact, no one has such powers! People such as Wolf Messing have a natural ability to see our world and to see the future; however, none of these “psychics” are Kabbalists. They’re only able to sense our world better than other people, but not the Upper World.

I’m a Kabbalist – I see the Upper World and the path leading to it. During our Kabbalah studies, to the degree we aspire toward correction, we evoke the Upper Light – the Creator’s force of love and bestowal, which corrects us. Even the beginners, who don’t yet have the qualities to clearly sense the Light, can feel this force and its influence during the studies.

However, in all other respects, I am just like everyone else.

Question: Do Kabbalists eat meat?

My Answer: They always have.

Question: Is Rav Laitman a Kabbalist?

My Answer: I don’t know, but he eats meat!

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Only the Upper Light Can Change Our Destiny
Myths About Kabbalah

A Woman Is The Carrier Of The Aspiration For The Creator

pleasureThree questions I received on women’s role in Kabbalah:

Question: What is the role of women within Kabbalah? I do not see women featured in this system, such as having the right to teach, apart from the children’s classes.

My Answer: A woman is the carrier of the aspiration for the Creator, whereas a man is the one who realizes this aspiration.

Question: When women are awakened spiritually, do they experience the same feelings as men?

My Answer: Yes.

Question: Do I have to meet my friends from the virtual group physically? I have been participating in dissemination every day for a year. My teachers say that the topics discussed in the meetings are very important, but I don’t feel that I need this. I connect with the group in my heart and in my thoughts, and I definitely continue to contribute whatever I can from behind the computer screen. Do I have to force myself to do something that my heart isn’t drawn to?

My Answer: You don’t have to force yourself because you are a woman. But if this question was coming from a man, he would have to participate physically any time there is an opportunity!

Related Material:
Kabbalah & Women

Only People With The Point In The Heart Can Feel That Kabbalah Is The Salvation

pointTwo questions I received on how to talk to people about Kabbalah:

Question: How can a person who’s on the animate level understand that he needs to be corrected just from the blows he receives? If a person has never studied or even come in contact with Kabbalah, how is it possible to explain to him that all the bad things happen because we act incorrectly? People who experienced major tragedies change their outlook on life, but still, they don’t always choose the path of Kabbalah.

My Answer: We see great suffering in the world, sometimes even worse than death, and this has gone on for millennia. Sometimes death seems like redemption, yet our nature, our will to receive, does not let us give up our lives. And despite all of this, people do not aspire to Kabbalah as a means of fulfillment.

Why don’t they see that the method of neutralizing all the evil and acquiring the good is right under their noses? And even if we offer it to them, they won’t hear us! It’s because a person can “choose Kabbalah” only when a specific desire (Reshimo) surfaces within – the “point in the heart,” the desire to fulfill one’s soul.

But if the desires (Reshimot) surfacing in a person are still prior to “the point in the heart,” they are considered preliminary. His life takes place inside these desires and there he remains, despite all the suffering, and he won’t perceive that Kabbalah is the salvation. Perhaps he will throw himself into mysticism, religion, and other practices, but not yet Kabbalah.

Question: When is it best to talk to people about Kabbalah and when to keep quiet? I travel a lot and meet many different people, with whom I talk about Kabbalah. However, lately I started to understand that by talking to people about Kabbalah, I’m doing something wrong. Still, I know that this is the purpose of my life and of my travels. How can I do it better?

My Answer: You can talk about it, but in a simple, not overbearing manner, in a way that your listener will like. It would be good to give them a newspaper or a book with our website’s address on it.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Constitution of Dissemination
Laitman.com Post: Disseminating the Wisdom of Kabbalah to Whom You Love
Laitman.com Post: Now You Can Share Perceptions Through the Internet
Article: “The Alternative of Our Life”