The Taste Of Exiting Our World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Some people are more sensitive to certain actions and others are less sensitive. How do you recommend working with the declaration of mutual guarantee so that it is actually imprinted on everyone’s heart, so that everyone lives by this document and together we made addition to it?

Answer: The fact is that it is impossible to do all the time. But even a simple impulsive influence on a person, when you create this possibility in him and he inevitably rises above his egoism to the extent to which he begins to receive from you a sense of security, absence of any problems and worries, it pushes him out of our world. After all, we feel the whole world in the property of anxiety and constant worries because our ego forces us to think and act in this way.

That is why even a spontaneous influence on each other, which creates a feeling of mutual guarantee in a person even for a short period of time, gradually cultivates in him such a drive to rise above himself that he really starts to seek how to make it permanent. Thus, it becomes a means of our progress.

I hope that as a result of our efforts at the convention in the desert we will reach at least this specific letting go of our world. Then people will have the taste of exiting from our world, and they will begin to act in a more goal-oriented way.

Question: How can I use this at the morning lessons, workshops, meetings of friends, and shared meals for the preparation to the convention?

Answer: You need to act in the same direction: Constantly do these exercises, hoping that through my aspiration, my inner effort, I will influence the friends to feel my concern about them and get rid of their egoism. After all, there is absolutely no need to wait for any special event; you can go back to it every day and every hour, and in the end we will succeed.
From the Virtual Lesson 12/30/12

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