The World Needs Correction through Unity

214Gradually, the nations of the world will agree that we must live in friendship and cooperation, and in rapprochement between us. After all, there can be no progress in moving humanity forward otherwise.

Therefore, we are approaching a state where part of humanity will begin to understand that rapprochement between nations is necessary not only to avoid wars; it is a necessity coming from nature itself, from its source, the Creator.

The difficult situation in the country will force people to become interested in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they are accustomed to associating Kabbalah with some kind of miracles, mysticism, or rituals, in fact, Kabbalah teaches the structure of reality, which includes the entire universe, all people, all inanimate matter, plants, and animals, that is, the entire nature of the universe without exception.

We must understand that we live in a world that needs correction through unity. There is a lot of work ahead to oblige all the inhabitants of the world to think about this. There is no other way to reach the correction of the world and come to peace and tranquility, to a good life, so as not to be reincarnated in this world, which is falling to the lowest point of reality, unless we connect into one man with one heart.

A person must clearly realize this so that in the turmoil of this life, no matter how confused he is every day by the billions of people around him, he still does not become disconnected from the purpose of life and does not fall under the control of desires for wealth, power, knowledge or when his only concern is for food, sex, and family.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

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