Without Benefit for Myself

629.4In Kabbalah there is such a term: from “for my own sake” to “for the sake of the other” (“Mi Lo Lishma—Lishma”).

That is, correction begins with egoistic intentions: I want to get closer to a friend in order to reveal the Creator because I understand that in this system I will have eternal life, I will be able to justify everything.

This is the second stage after the recognition of evil, but it is still egoistic. And then, under the influence of the upper light, the force of the Creator, His emanation, His nature, we begin to change.

That is, a person acquires such an ability when he can already bestow and connect with another without any benefit for himself.

This is already the third stage, a real altruistic property because bestowal becomes a reward for us. As Baal HaSulam writes, everyone should work to the best of their ability and receive only what is necessary.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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