Why Is the Torah Given to Sinners?

533.01 David asks:

Please explain the phrase that the Torah is given for sinners. And if I do not feel like a sinner, does that mean I cannot study the Torah?

Answer: You can study the Torah. But for the Torah to teach you, you need to feel a little bit like a sinner.

Question: And there is no way around this?

Answer: That is why it is given.

Question: So I should need it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What if I need it for knowledge? There is so much in it.

Answer: No, knowledge has nothing to do with it. The Torah is needed only for correction, for extracting the egoism from a person, and for making a person stand before the Creator one-on-one.

Question: So the path I take through the Torah is my path to the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Did He intentionally give the Torah specifically to sinners? Was it given precisely when we sinned?

Answer: Essentially we are born sinners. And then as we gradually recognize ourselves as sinners, we can appreciate the Torah, its depth, its power, and its ability to correct.

Question: What does studying the Torah mean to you? “I study the Torah…”. What does it mean?

Answer: I study the Torah, which means I act so that the Torah penetrates me and I can absorb its words, its strength, and its convictions. So that this becomes an unshakable part of me, and I think only about how to implement what is written in it. That is, essentially, what we must do.

Question: If you reduce it to something very simple and concise, can you say what is written in it?

Answer: About love, but not in our usual sense.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/15/24

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