What To Do If There Is Emptiness in the Soul?

183.02Nazarbay asks: “When there is emptiness in the soul, what to do?”

My Response: Fill it. When there is emptiness in the soul, it is necessary to open this soul to the light, and it will fill it.

When you open your soul to the light, you expect this fulfillment from the Creator. You strive toward Him, as if you fly to Him and are ready to accept everything from Him. Then He corrects your soul and fills it with His light. And this is the revelation of the Creator to a person.

Question: Are you ready to accept everything from Him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Absolutely everything?

Answer: At this point, nothing remains, no conditions.

Question: So you don’t divide: I accept this, but I don’t accept that?

Answer: Nothing.

Question: Everything, no matter what?

Answer: Everything! Because you are in front of the Creator. There are no reservations here.

Comment: But then all sorts of fears creep in: “And what if, God forbid, like that?”

My Response: It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is. Just headfirst into the abyss. That’s all. And you realize that this, it turns out, is the entrance to the upper world.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/6/24

Related Material:
Emptiness Is An Opportunity For Fulfillment
Emptiness Is The Harbinger Of Revelation
A Cure For Emptiness

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