We Cannot Do Without a Friend

237Question: Kabbalists often say, “Let us think about our friends” or something similar. Does the concentration of thought change some material things in our lives?

Answer: Thought is the most important thing we have, even though our thoughts are not pure because in reality everyone thinks about themselves and not about others.

Although we think about others only when we want them to make us feel better, I could not even think about anything else because I am an absolute egoist, and this is my nature. Still, in this inner movement, in this impulse, there exists some small element of a different, unique attitude toward a friend in which I somehow realize inside myself that I cannot do without him.

I might not want this, but the Creator arranged everything this way. What can I do? I have to love him involuntarily, without knowing what loving means. Nevertheless, something like this should happen in the future. They say it is necessary.

In other words, there are many such artificial movements, but since they are in the general mechanism, they bring the light of correction upon us. I ask for my correction despite not wanting to change. It works like a child who does not know what he wants. Nevertheless, it works.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. We are Thinking about our Friend!“ 3/11/10

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