The Movie of Our Life Has a Good Ending


Bores can be divided into two classes; those who have their own particular subject, and those who do not need a subject (A.A. Milne). 

Question: Alan Alexander Milne wrote many things, but he is mostly remembered for Winnie the Pooh. In one of his writings he noted, “One never knows exactly when one person becomes bored with another. A stranger’s golf success story is intolerable, but how interesting one’s own seems. A person cannot view their own story with the impatience of an outsider.”

Can you please tell us how to see that we are boring?

Answer: I do not know if we need to see that. We just need to be silent. I am in favor of silence. It is normal for people to sit and be silent, or think about something in common, or even each something of their own. Why talk?

Comment: And they must agree: “Let’s sit quietly.” So, let’s sit quietly, think.

My Response: It should be clear without saying it.

Question: So we should not engage others?

Answer: We should not do anything! There is noise from all sides: information, music, who knows what and how. But, in principle, none of it is necessary.

Question: And we are not boring then? We just sit, silent.

Answer: Yes, we can sit and be silent.

Comment: But this is only if there are good or warm relationships between people.

My Response: Yes, understanding.

Question: So, is it necessary for us to have such relationships that we can sit quietly together?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: It is not that simple; it is already intimacy.

My Response: All conversations lead to arguments, to some troubles. Sit, be silent, and everything will be fine. When you start talking, inconsistencies arise.

Question: This principle definitely works among close people. But for this, we still need to be close.

Please tell us about being boring. There are directorial authors who said: “It does not matter to me how many people watch my film. Let them grow up to my film.” How do you feel about this: not “I am boring,” but simply “They have developed up to my level yet”?

Answer: It is indispensable. Every person who creates something has that pride of a creative person.

Question: And they cannot get rid of it?

Answer: Absolutely not!

Question: So this idea that people should mature to my work, do you accept it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But there is another approach—Hollywood style. What I feed them, I know they will consume. And I deliberately feed them in a way that is low-grade or follows a known formula. How do you feel about this? I am not boring, millions watch me.

Answer: I do not know. I also do not really understand a person who creates something for the masses. It does not leave an internal, moral impression, does not touch the heart, but people need it.

Question: So, are all these approaches correct in your opinion?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then here is a question. We return to the Creator one way or another, we never leave Him in all our roles. We have nowhere to go.

So what kind of director should He be, in your opinion? A director who is understood or one you have to develop to? What does His direction do to us?

Answer: He wants us to think, find solutions, and try to implement them.

Comment: Still He regards us as thinking beings.

My Response: Yes absolutely!

Comment: That is a lofty position.

My Response: Otherwise, our lives would have no meaning. He sets a certain level of our development for each moment for every person.

Question: So, with all His directing—and He is a great director, a great scriptwriter—we already see this, where is He leading us?

Answer: Toward realizing the need to rise above our nature.

Question: And this whole movie we are watching, is this practically its end?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is that considered a good ending? After going through wars, suffering, catastrophes?

Answer: It is a good ending, of course! Because we agree with what we have achieved, and we hope for the final moment when I reveal Him in my nature.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/4/24

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