The Dilemma Humanity Faces

115.06Question: How do we find that point where we can interact among ourselves on the level of desires and aspiration toward the Creator rather than on the level of bodies and characters?

Answer: We do not speak at all about the animal body. It has no relation to spiritual work because it belongs to the level of our world. We do not speak about our characters because the Creator assembles us. This is His “problem.” He created us with these characters and gathered us together just the way we are, so that we understand that we can unite only with His help.

Moreover, He gathers very difficult people: nervous, angry, nit-picking ones that are inclined to criticize. Kabbalists in all times were the most dreadful people, the biggest egoists. Otherwise they would not demand knowledge of the meaning of life, its cause, its source. For this, a great egoistic desire is necessary.

These are people who cannot think about anyone but themselves. Not that they are rude or cruel, no. That is just how they are inside. And it is they who begin to reveal that they cannot unite but must do so.

Here arises a dilemma that humanity faces. If we do not unite, then eventually we will come to destruction. Look at what is happening today, what frictions between everyone, what calculations. Horror! So many sources of all sorts of conflicts!

The Creator deliberately awakens this among us so that we understand that there can be nothing better than unity. But we cannot unite. We do not even think about it because we understand that it is pointless, that every state cares only about itself. Moreover, within each state there are dozens of currents, parties, that tear it apart. Human society is tearing itself apart from within by its egoism.

And here we must demonstrate that against egoism there is a force that can unite us. In general, everyone agrees that revealing such a force is good. We just need to show through our own example that this is possible.

And then we will be able to convince humanity not theoretically and not with beautiful words, to aspire toward mutual guarantee too; we will show how it works. Otherwise, no one will take us seriously. This is what we must do.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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