The Creator in Man

963.5Question: According to Kabbalah, the Creator clothes Himself in every person, in each of us. For example, when you talk to someone, do you perceive that person as the Creator speaking through them?

Answer: It depends on my focus and what I need from the interaction.
If I need to respond to someone on their level so that they understand me, I engage with them on that level rather than connecting with the Creator within them.

In this case, I view the person not as an individual, but as nature. They appear to me not as a personality but as a part of nature through which the Creator manifests in relation to me. So, I do not see the person before me. I see a mass of nature, of humanity, through which I observe the Creator, His actions, and His attitude toward me.

However, when I wish to see the person and his individuality, I need to perceive the Creator as He descends to the level of that person, wants to elevate and shape him, and He addresses me.

Then I address that person directly, while considering the Creator’s influence on him and my own influence on that person so that our influences—mine and the Creator’s—align within him and enable him to rise.

Question: Is this such a complex scheme? Do you separate people into two streams?

Answer: Of course! If it is a person with a point in the heart who needs to move forward, if it is my student with whom I must interact this way, I relate to them as the Creator does—as a unique, distinct spiritual individual and not just a mass.

This approach applies only to people with a point in the heart who work on themselves and reach a level where they represent a spiritual individuality. There are not many such people. But there are not supposed to be many of them.
From KabTV’s “I got a call. The Creator in Man…“ 3/20/10

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