Questions about Spiritual Work—139

281.02Question: The Creator gives one a place for faith and a place for work in the heart. How can we hold and expand this space? Is this our concern?

Answer: Yes, this is achieved by increasing the importance of the fact that the Creator is working on us.

Question: What advances us faster spiritually: when we humble ourselves or when others humiliate us?

Answer: It is when we humble ourselves, but we must be careful that it is done correctly and not artificially.

Question: Should I always build an intention when working with the mind and heart?

Answer: You should always try to find yourself in what you say and think.

Question: If I have many logical proofs that my friends are doing everything right, but in my heart, I feel unfounded hatred toward them, can my mind help me change this feeling?

Answer: This is very difficult. You should pray about this. I do not believe the mind can help. Only prayer can help you.

Question: How can one be joyful when I understand with my mind that the closer the Creator brings us, the more I move away from Him?

Answer: No, the Creator constantly brings us closer, and by this, we have the opportunity to more critically and soberly realize what we are going through.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/24/24, Writings of Rabash “Mind and Heart”

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