Questions about Spiritual Work—138

546.02Question: What does it mean to light a fire in the heart?

Answer: Kindling the heart means that it represents all the thoughts and aspirations you want to raise to the Creator, to heaven.

Question: Why does our corrected connection establish freedom from the angel of death?

Answer: Because we rise in the quality of bestowal. And the angel of death is a quality of reception. As he affects us, all the light disappears.

Question: What does it mean that the connection is shining for us?

Answer: This means that the light of Hochma comes to us in the dressing of the light of Hasadim.

Question: What is the best way to overcome some kind of calmness or indifference not directed to the Creator?

Answer: We must somehow pull ourselves out of this indifference.

Question: To come to the connection in the ten, should everyone have the same desires?

Answer: No, the desires can be different, and should all strive for the same action and be mutually connected.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/26/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Omer [Count]”

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