Questions about Spiritual Work—137

962.1Question: You said I can only use those desires I am sure I have a screen for. What does it using desires mean?

Answer: This means you can use every desire your way, but only for the sake of bestowal.

Question: Our goal is to get a correction for our intention. But I see that this is not my desire because it is directly opposite to the desire to receive pleasure. So what will lead my heart to correct the intention?

Answer: You will get a push first from the group and then from the Creator.

Question: What is the feeling of good and evil? How do we get to this state in the ten?

Answer: Actions aimed at connection and bestowal are called good. Therefore, we must learn to fulfill them among ourselves, and to this extent, we will receive the fulfillment of our desires.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Turn Away from Evil and Do Good – 1”

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