Live in a Single Organism, in the Creator

744Question: What is this leap—love?

Answer: Love is a state where you treat others with a desire for complete bestowal and you strive to become like the Creator in action.

Comment: I still cannot grasp the difference. Suppose a person works like an organ in the body. He receives the most necessary things for himself and gives everything else for the sake of the entire organism. Thanks to this, the organism lives.

My Response: Yes, this is if we are talking about the internal system of the organism.

Question: So, can we say that our organs are altruistic? But we still do not say that they love each other. What is love, then?

Answer: Love, as Baal Sulam says, is a state where each organ feels all the other organs and helps them function properly.

Question: And on the human level?

Answer: There is no such state between people. It exists only at the level of the internal system of the organism.

Question: What did our sages mean when they wrote “Love your neighbor as yourself”? What is this stage when people reach such a state?

Answer: This is a stage of our internal development when we realize we must connect through good connections. That is, it is an emotional state when a person directly lives the life of society. Then we feel each other as if living in one organism.

Question: And is this organism the Creator or an upper force?

Answer: It is the Creator. Right!
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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