Kabbalist’s Reward

504Question: Should I work not for the sake of the reward, nor myself, should I not want to receive anything?

Answer: No, you work to get a reward. But which one? It is to be able to bestow to the Creator.

Question: But I understand that bestowing to the Creator means making efforts and enjoying His work.

Answer: No, you do not have to make your conclusions. You must read the sources, or your understanding will give you such a philosophy that you will not know where you are. Our reward is acquiring the property of bestowal, becoming similar to the Creator.

Question: Should I cry out for the sake of such a reward?

Answer: Yes, you should get a sense of importance and need for this reward through the group so much so that you can live only for this. And everything else is your purely earthly egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Reward and Punishment from the Kabbalah Point of View
Light as a Source of Reward
Work Not For The Sake Of Reward

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