How Do We Transfer Anger to Holiness?

543.02The Creator sends us anger and rage to test how we will behave.

But we must correct our impression of these qualities and transfer them to the path of good. When we are angry, we cut ourselves off from the qualities of the Creator, as these do not exist in Him. As a result, we remain separated from holiness.

If we try to keep holiness, bestowal, love, and connection from leaving us and try to keep ourselves in this state, then there is a gradual rapprochement with these properties, and so we correct ourselves.

Let us rise above anger, and we will see how it transforms and flows into holiness.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Power of Thought”

Related Material:
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“Why We Hate” (Linkedin)

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