Do You Have To Love Yourself First?

626Question: I do not like myself, but you say: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Maybe it is necessary to love yourself first? But how?

Answer: Start loving others, and then you will see how much you love yourself. Only then does a person begin to understand that he is actually a terrible egoist!

Question: Usually this phrase is actually translated like this: “Let me love myself first, and then I will deal with others.” But you say it differently. Strive toward others, love others, and then you will see how much you love yourself.

So a person must forcibly make such an effort and start trying to love people. Will some bitterness appear in him then? What will appear in him?

Answer: He will see that he is divided into his external and internal parts, and in fact he loves only himself and only for this is he ready to exist.

And then if he understands that he has to remake himself, he will already need some kind of correction methodology.

Question: And these are the kind of people who find us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

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