Conditions of Origin

945Question: I don’t have the strength to annul myself. How can the ten help me with this?

Answer: First, by example, and on the other hand, by pressure, when the ten shows you that you must cancel yourself in front of them.

Second, you must help your friends with everything, i.e., fulfill all the work conditions Rabash writes about in the ten. By observing them, you become an embryo inside the ten, and the ten turns into your mother’s body.

And when you all finish this work and cancel yourselves before each other, you get ten mutually cancellable egoistic desires. At the same time, you become a full-fledged spiritual embryo. There will be no reverse movement; you will begin your intrauterine development.

Your development will occur in the Creator, in the quality of bestowal and love. As it is said, you will begin to feel the upper world: The embryo in the mother sees the whole world from edge to edge since it completely cancels itself. Therefore, it sees absolutely everything, even what it does not see after birth.

And then there are the days of its development. “Days,” changes, a constant, ever-increasing glow of light and an ever-increasing nullification of oneself in this light. It is the development of the embryo. On one hand, he develops egoistically, and his egoistic mass manifests increasingly in him. On the other hand, he cancels more and more of this mass growing in him and thus grows.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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