Become the Master of Your States

600.02Question: You said that we need to aspire silently to be with everyone in one desire: “I want to be with everyone in one desire.” This “I” confuses me a lot. After all, it should eventually disappear, right?

Answer: But over whom are you the master if not yourself?

Comment: I am not really a master!

My Response: Exactly, you are not a master, and that is why you should do everything to become the master of your state. You can make it so that the upper light begins to act on you and connect you with others.

Question: Does the light act on me or on the friends? After all, I should think about the friends…

Answer: It does not matter what you think about the friends. By thinking about them, you change yourself.

Question: So is the correct direction that I want to unite the friends and bring them to unity, to the Creator?

Answer: But you have to perform these actions on yourself. Then the connection will happen.

Comment: I want our work to be immensely beneficial for everyone.

My Response: To achieve this, you need to bring the entire system into order.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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