Where Should We Look for Answers to All Questions?

186Question: When a person receives a question from the ego, it immediately responds with reason. If a person refuses this egoistic response, then he falls into a state of weightlessness, a kind of emptiness. What is the response from faith to this state of emptiness?

Answer: Uncorrected egoism constantly asks a person all sorts of questions so that he, in search of an answer to them, agrees with them.

Therefore, first of all, a person must unearth the answer to the question: what does he really want? And if he realizes that this answer is still selfish, he will know that he is still in selfishness.

Question: If such questions practically do not arise now, is it worth awakening them?

Answer: No, you should not artificially arouse any questions in yourself. You only need to awaken the desire to connect with your friends. And there you will find the answers to all your questions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

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