To Be Like the Creator

283.01Question: What actually brings a person pleasure? Is it the act of bestowal to a great person or to the Creator, which in principle are the same thing, or is it the equivalence of qualities when I feel that I am like Him?

Answer: It is the equivalence of qualities. Being similar to the Creator is a very high level. By achieving this, you completely adhere to Him and become absolutely like Him! Therefore, there is no higher state than a person coming closer to the Creator.

Comment: In all sources it is written that the Creator does not think about Himself. He does not have such thoughts. He is like an energy station that only emanates, gives, creates, and unites all of nature, starting from inanimate substances and ending with humans. So in principle, I want at least to have such inclinations.

My Response: To achieve that, you really need to ask the Creator to give you such a nature. This cannot be manifested in a person in a natural way without asking!

Question: What gives a person the guarantee that they will not remain in their egoistic nature for the rest of their life and will be able to reach equivalence of qualities with the Creator?

Answer: There is no guarantee. We understand that we are governed by the upper force and it is interested in us getting closer to it, uniting with it, and working together with it to correct ourselves and the world.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

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