Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/13/24

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Israel Serves as the Center of Connection with the Creator

192The entire system through which light passes into the world to all nations depends on Israel.

Therefore the people of Israel are created so stubborn and unyielding, stiff-necked, as they say. After all, the stronger the resistance is at first, the greater the path is for light to open up later.

Antisemitism has existed in the world throughout all ages. Today it is simply exploding and bursting forth because the egoistic desire in the world is becoming increasingly aggressive and demanding. Therefore, the nations of the world demand fulfillment from the people of Israel. They believe that Israel is stealing this fulfillment from the nations of the world; all complaints arise from this.

We see that hatred of Israel is growing more and more. At the same time, it is not evident that Israel seeks to compensate for it, provide fulfillment to the nations of the world, and become the center of universal unity and connection with the Creator.

Ultimately, under pressure from the nations of the world and from above, the people of Israel will feel that they simply must unite with the Creator and that there is no salvation otherwise.

Therefore, the people of Israel should preempt the blows with the remedy: study the system, learn what passing the light to all creations depends on, and how to begin and end this work to try to fulfill their mission.

The nations of the world see Israel as a source of evil and therefore seek to destroy it. After all, if Israel does not fulfill its role of serving as a source of goodness, it turns into a source of problems. Therefore, the nations of the world accuse Israel because they feel that fulfillment does not come from it to them.

The people of Israel do not understand their mission and do not want to know about their obligations to the nations of the world and the Creator because this imposes obligations on us.

The unity of the whole world depends on the Jews whose entire Torah speaks of love for one’s neighbor as oneself. This method, this rule, we must pass on to all nations, and then the whole world will be corrected.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

Related Material:
Israel on the Future of the World
For the Unification of the People of Israel
The Land Of Israel On The Map And In The Soul

Action Aimed at Correcting the World

219.01Question: Rabash said that one can only correct oneself and that it takes much practice to gain control over one’s egoism. Why would we correct others if they will automatically correct themselves when we do?

Answer: Our correction depends on the connection between us. Therefore, dissemination is a very important action.

We do not take any obstacles into account but only wish to disseminate Kabbalah as a teaching about the correction of humanity and its elevation to the highest level—the level of the Creator.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

Related Material:
Everyone Will Be Corrected
How Can We Correct The World?
You Correct the Entire Creation!

The Fight for Unity

938.05Question: What will help us reach unity in mind and heart so that the Creator will elevate us to the next degree?

Answer: Fighting for unity in mind and feelings means that we must in any circumstance think only about unity because only based on that can we influence the Creator, our state, and move toward the upper purpose.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

Related Material:
Either Unity or Death
Effort Is Work toward Unity
Unity Now and Forever

The Light of Faith

294.1The one who seeks the truth is the one who needs the light of faith. (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 41, “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”).

Faith is a condition when I act as if I am in front of the Creator in absolute attainment, connection, love, and mutual understanding with Him.

Then, I am in complete faith.

Question: Can the light of faith be felt as something I can share?

Answer: The light of faith is a feeling of connection with the Creator. Of course, it is always lacking, so we must constantly ask for it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
Calculate Your Faith
The Force of Faith Above Reason
The Uniqueness Of Passover Is The Light Of Faith

The Path of Truth

235Question: What is the path of truth?

Answer: The path of truth is when we constantly turn to the Creator with a request to cure us of egoism. A person who seeks the truth is called a righteous person.

Question: And what is it to see with all your heart?

Answer: It means to feel.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
The Truth Above All
The Shortest Way to Attain the Truth
The Truth Can Only Be Discerned From Within

Delve into the Sources

530Question: What can we do to delve deeper into the sources and reveal them more internally?

Answer: You have a group where you should reproduce what you read in desires until they are ready for spiritual use.

Reproducing means reading and desiring to feel how gradually you immerse in all these conditions, and you begin to see how you change by them. Then you will form a more serious attitude toward your desires.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash “The Connection between Passover, Matza, and Maror”

Related Material:
How Should One Read Books Of Kabbalah?
How Does One Read Kabbalistic Texts?
The Main Rule For Reading Kabbalistic Books

When Can the Bitter Truth Be Spoken?

963.4Question: There is an Arabic proverb: “Before telling someone the bitter truth, anoint the tip of your tongue with honey.”

Should you tell a person the bitter truth or not? It is said: “Before telling a person the bitter truth.” Should we or not?

Answer: We must calculate whether this truth, although bitter, is necessary for him. If it is truly necessary.

Question: This is quite a task you are asking of us: to think of another at this moment?

Answer: Of course. The one who tells the bitter truth to another must experience this bitter truth on himself although it does not apply to him.

Question: So he should walk in his shoes, as they say, then he can tell the bitter truth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And if not, if he did not test it on himself?

Answer: If he has not tested what he wants to tell the other, where he wants to lead the other with his statement, then it is better not to say it.

Question: So, who is this bitter truth for?

Answer: This is a bitter truth for another.

Question: But tested on the one who says it?

Answer: If it is tested on him, then he can speak.

Question: What does it mean if we go according to this Arabic proverb, “You must first anoint the tip of your tongue with honey?”

Answer: So that it is clothed in something sweet and comforts a person, in hope, in faith, and perhaps in some benefit.

Comment: That is, you cannot throw it at him…

My Response: No! You should not say anything bad at all.

Comment: You are in favor of a medicine that…

My Response: That heals.

Question: And that may be covered in some sweet syrup or some sweet wrapper?

Answer: Yes, maybe.

Question: Have you told the bitter truth to any person or to people in general? You do know it. Do you tell the truth?

Answer: No.

Question: Why not?

Answer: What for? This can be said to a person only when he has the strength, the ability to understand, realize, accept, and solve this problem in himself. And if he does not have such training, why tell him?

Question: So, you think that man or humanity is not yet ready for the bitter truth?

Answer: It is not ready! Whatever wrapper you use, it is not ready.

Question: When will we be ready to hear the bitter truth?

Answer: I do not know.

Question: But should we? One way or another, will we have to go through this stage?

Answer: I do not think we need to say anything. We need to act in such a way that the Creator tells people all this.

Question: So our task is to bring the Creator to people?

Answer: Yes.

Question: To do so, do we have to attain the bitter truth ourselves or not?

Answer: Of course! Or you will not pray for the Creator to do it.

Question: For Him to come to the people?

Answer: Right.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/4/24

Related Material:
Which to Choose: Plain Truth or a Beautiful Lie?
Truth and Verity
Truth And Falsehood From The Perspective Of Kabbalah

Questions about Spiritual Work—119

559Question: Egyptians are desires and thoughts that lead me away from spiritual work. What does it mean to kill an Egyptian?

Answer: To kill the negative intention within oneself.

Question: How can we soften our path since it is challenging?

Answer: Through love for our friends. By increasing love among yourselves in the group, you can do whatever you want with your path and spiritual development.

Question: Every day I complain to the Creator. Why do people fight, why do earthquakes and floods occur? How can we help the planet Earth avoid these sufferings?

Answer: Change yourself so that you relate to all earthlings as good human beings and explain to everyone that love is the highest quality we can receive from the Creator, and it will correct everything.

Question: I feel indifferent to what is happening in the world. Should I emotionally engage in what is happening? What is the right attitude?

Answer: Indifference arises when you cut yourself off from the group, from the masses, and interest in getting closer arises from the fact that you are getting closer to your friends and want to create some common desire together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash “The Connection between Passover, Matza, and Maror

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—118
Questions about Spiritual Work—117
Questions about Spiritual Work—116

Clarifications in the Collective

530Question: Often in work teams there are cases where you have to either listen to or take part in criticizing an employee for his actions. Where is the borderline between slander and simply seeing a person doing something wrong?

Answer: This is not called slander. There is no need to criticize anything. You just need to draw a conclusion and make a decision accordingly. If someone talks about someone in a certain way, then you may need to physically react to it.

Question: This is a work situation in which we identify some actions of the employee?

Answer: Yes, and we need more clarifications of this kind.

Question: It is written that slander kills three people: the one who speaks, the one who believes the speaker, and the one who is talked about. This is written in the Talmud. What advice can be given here?

Answer: From time to time, we should create such platforms within the team where you can discuss someone’s protest against someone so that people learn from this.

Question: So if we are talking about a person in his presence and telling him to his face what we think is the truth, this is not called slander?

Answer: No, but all this needs to be thought through and not revealed point blank, in front of everyone, so that all participants understand that this is being done for their benefit.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/7/24

Related Material:
The Difference between Slander and Criticism
Slander Does not Solve Problems
Don’t Sit In The Seat Of The Scornful