Think about Universal Connection

237Question: What kind of analysis should each person make during a lesson so that we would keep the yearning for correction, the Torah, and the Giver of the Torah at the center of our study?

Answer: The most important thing is for you to think about the connection between you and then between you and the Creator. This is what you should always keep in mind.

Comment: Externally, not everyone can or wants to show the importance of the goal, the pressure, and the intensity during the study.

My Response: It is enough to think about it and not necessarily to speak about it. There are people who are shy or unable to express their thoughts and some who believe that there is no need to talk about them. When a person talks about what is important to them, they sort of dissipate their thoughts.

Question: How can one internally build a connection with everyone and with the goal?

Answer: You must be connected with each other, determine how good, kind, and desirable your connection is in the eyes of the Creator, and constantly aim toward Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Who Ceases Words of Torah and Engages in Conversation”

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