Questions about Spiritual Work—107

228Question: What does the land of Israel mean for the entire world group?

Answer: Naturally we are not talking about the physical land of Israel. We mean the place in the world of Atzilut from which we receive the upper light.

Question: What does “purity” mean in spiritual work?

Answer: It means not including any egoistic desires in your request to the Creator.

Question: You mentioned the need to be cautious not to make mistakes. What does that mean, and what mistakes can we make?

Answer: When you feel the Creator or turn to Him, you must clearly direct yourself to the desire to be only in the quality of bestowal.

Question: What is the common deficiency of the ten and how can we awaken it?

Answer: The common deficiency is when friends collectively aim with the entire ten toward the quality of bestowal, toward the Creator.

Question: Does “the inheritance of the land” receive only those who have accumulated spiritual experience from previous reincarnations, or is it a privilege of the Creator to reward some and not others?

Answer: In the spiritual realm there are no privileges, favors, or connections. Everything is solely based on merit.

Question: Where does the need to strive for truth come from? Is it from the point in the heart or from the environment that is working on it?

Answer: Most likely it comes from the point in the heart. However, sometimes the point in the heart develops under the influence of the environment.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/31/24, Writings of Rabash “Inheritance of the Land”

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