How Can We Become Mordechai?

562.01Question: How can each of us become Mordechai and call upon the group to unite? The group is our world, after all.

Answer: A person who feels that the most important thing is the unification of all people is called Mordechai, from the word “Mor-Dror” (light of freedom).

He attracts the light of the Creator from above, which unites all people. And therefore, in such an action there is a possibility of defeating the most evil force—the force of Haman.

Question: So we should do this on Purim so that we lead the group to correction?

Answer: Not only on Purim, but all the time throughout the year.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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