Heartfelt Closeness

942Question: Is it right to begin treating friends in the ten with the same trepidation with which we ask you questions?

Answer: No, you should strive to understand and treat each other with an open heart. You do not need to hide anything from your friends or avoid them. Be as close to them in your heart as possible.

Strive to help each other in the ten to strengthen the connection between you so that a common feeling is revealed in it in which you will feel the Creator.

Question: Can trepidation be called an intermediate state between joy and fear?

Answer: There is no such state as “in between.” It only seems that way to you. In any state, you should come to the point where it fills you, and you will know what it is.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/28/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Written Torah and the Oral Torah – 1”

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