When Necessary, the Creator Will Give Us Everything

963.4 A dialogue between Greed and Generosity:

– Greed, oh Greed, give me a bigger pot.
– No, I do not have enough for myself.
– Give me a smaller pot then.
– I will not give you a smaller one either.
– Then give me the smallest one.
– I will not give you anything at all.
– Suit yourself. Here is a pie for you then.
– Alright. But why just one? You are Generosity, after all.
– Well, I wanted to give you more, but you did not give me any pots.

Question: Can we say that there are plenty of “pies” for us, they are there, but we, humans, do not provide “pots” for them?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What do you mean by “pots” and “pies”?

Answer: “Pot” is a vessel (Kli) into which one can receive something from the Creator. And “pies” are what He gives. But, essentially, we do not need it. We should be content with what we receive.

Question: Even here, do you believe that one “pie” is enough for us?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do we not need to provide a lot of “pots”?

Answer: Nothing! A “pie” can be before you, you will look at it and be satisfied.

Question: Why is that? Why do I not eat it?

Answer: You do not need to. You just need to know that it comes from the Creator.

Question: And to know that it will always be with me?

Answer: This is already egoism; this is a lack of faith. But generally speaking, yes.

Question: So is true faith above reason that the “pie” is here now and it will not disappear, it will be here tomorrow and today? I can leave it untouched, I can touch it, it will be there all the time?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So do I always have, for example, a couple of coins in my pocket to buy a pie?

Answer: I do not even need those couple of coins. It is unnecessary. I do not need the pies either or anything else. On the contrary, when you feel that you have nothing, then you have a stronger connection with the Creator. And that is it.

Comment: But feeling that I have nothing bothers me.

My Response: No, it does not. On the contrary, you can build your absolute desire, faith in the Creator, and the belief that when necessary, He will give.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/15/24

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