Angels—Single Forces of Nature

707And it is said that at the hour when the Creator had a desire to create man, He called together the “camps of the higher angels” and, seating them in front of Him, said: “I want to create a human being.”

They objected to Him: “What is a man that You should remember about him?!” What is special about the person You are going to create? He answered them: “Man was created in Our image, and his wisdom will surpass your wisdom” (Rashbi, Zohar for All, “Heaven and Earth”)

Question: What kind of forces are angels?

Answer: Angels are single forces of nature, each with its own name.

Question: Let us say the force of gravity, is it an angel?

Answer: Gravity is an angel, electricity is an angel, and whatever you want. At the human level, this force can be envy and other properties. We can even control these forces, but only slightly. We do not know how they act because it has nothing to do with earthly sciences, but only with manifestations of the upper forces.

Question: Why does the Creator ask these forces for advice? What does it mean?

Answer: The Creator, i.e., the supreme unifying force, looks at each of them and chooses how to use them to achieve His goals.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 1/21/24

Related Material:
To See An Angel
Angels Are Forces
Angels in Kabbalah

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