The Difference between Mind and Knowledge

222Question: What is the mind? Where is it located? Why do we use it? Is it our brain or not?

Answer: Of course the mind is our brain. But we are talking about the spiritual mind, the inner part of our consciousness that we can control. We call it knowledge.

Question: Are we connecting with the Creator through the mind?

Answer: Yes, if we make an effort to do this, we will succeed. However, I want to say that no matter what, all our attempts and efforts that we make trying to ascend to the Creator will nonetheless have their positive consequences—if not now, then later.

Question: What is the difference between mind and knowledge?

Answer: Knowledge is simply accumulation of data. And the mind is the brain’s ability to process the information received, systematize, and use it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/18/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Difference between Faith and Intellect“

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