The Burden of the Kingdom of Heaven

232.1If a person has now made up his mind to take upon himself the burden of the kingdom of heaven for eternity, it is considered wholeness (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 58 “Joy Is a ‘Reflection’ of Good Deeds”).

Question: What does taking upon oneself the burden of the kingdom of heaven mean?

Answer: It means that we accept the authority of the Creator upon ourselves. Just as we put a yoke on a horse to plow a field or transport something, so are we ready to take upon ourselves the instructions of the Creator in order to be under His authority all our lives. This is what we must do.

Question: What can keep us in spiritually forever?

Answer: The upper light, under the influence of which you will feel that you are constantly moving toward reaching the highest goal that exists in our world, in the entire universe, and in all worlds.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/22/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Joy Is a “Reflection” of Good Deeds“

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