‎Special Environment

528.03Question: In the article “Purpose of Society – 2,” Rabash writes that man is created as an egoist who cannot find the energy to perform any actions for the sake of others.

Where can one get the strength for this unnatural work?

Answer: In your environment.

Question: I would like to know what kind of environment are we talking about because a person’s life is in the family, work, and among friends.

Answer: No, he must create additional environment for himself, preferably ten friends, including himself. In this community, they must treat each other as Rabash, Baal HaSulam, and other Kabbalists recommend so that the connection between them will gradually lead them to a connection with the Creator.

That has nothing to do with work colleagues or family. There must be a connection between people who, in order to become one with the Creator, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Question: Why can’t this be achieved in the family? After all, there is already a connection based on economic relations and instinctive love.

Answer: The fact is that for spiritual work it is desirable to gather ten men or ten women according to an ideological principle, who would create special conditions for the revelation of the Creator between them.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/5/23

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