Master The Rule “Love Your Neighbor”

934If several individuals come together with the force that it is worthwhile to abandon self-love, but without the sufficient power and importance of bestowal to become independent, without outside help, if these individuals annul before one another and all have at least potential love of the Creator, though they cannot keep it in practice, then by each joining the society and annulling oneself before it, they become one body.

For example, if there are ten people in that body, it has ten times more power than a single person does (Rabash, Article No. 6, 1984 “Love of Friends – 2”).

Here the mechanism of absolute cooperation, the influence of one on the other, is triggered. When you are among people engaged in a specific activity and you also get involved in this work, then such a mutual example inspires and helps you. Therefore, those who study Kabbalah and want to master the rule “love your neighbor” should be in such a group.

Question: It is clear that the environment influences a person. We see this in our world too. But here it is written that in order to receive the desire of your friends, you must annul yourself. What does “annul” mean?

Answer: You should see them above yourself. They should set an example for each other in this.

Question: How can we do this? After all, a person is an egoist, he cannot see someone higher than himself.

Answer: He will see how his friends treat each other, honor each other, elevate each other, and he will also have such a need.

Question: Can a person annul himself before the other?

Answer: Yes, in the right group. The group must understand what its task is.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

Related Material:
Love Is A Two Way Street
Love As The Law Of Nature
The Basis Of “Love Thy Friend As Thyself”

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