Manhattan Is Becoming a Refugee Camp

400Comment: New York is said to be going through an immigration crisis. People from Venezuela and Africa now live on the streets. They set up tents in Manhattan and sleep on the sidewalks; that’s what they say.

The mayor of New York is seriously proposing placing migrants on cruise ships. There is a demand from the population to close the borders and send migrants back to their countries.

It seems this is what the world has been preparing for. After all, look, millions are being resettled now.

My Response: It depends on where they resettle. They don’t want to resettle in Siberia. They want to move to Manhattan.

Question: Well. A person seeks a better life, naturally. He has heard and seen things and wants to be there. But the trend itself, is it going to stay that way?

Answer: The trend is toward a better place. It will.

Question: Even more so in the future. After all, Americans themselves are immigrants.

Answer: It was back when America was vacant.

Question: So, they feel like the landlords now. They want to live comfortably.

Answer: Yes, they don’t agree to host everyone. They are the owners; how can I force them?

Question: Is it right for a country to close itself off to illegals?

Answer: Yes. And to generally dictate what is and isn’t legal. This is the right of every country.

Question: Please tell me, over time, this state—”my place, my homeland, my anthem, my flag”—where will it go? If I don’t feel good there, will I call it my homeland, or will I look for another homeland?

Answer: It depends on everyone’s judgment, what feelings and values do I base it on.

Question: Whether one feels good or bad?

Answer: Right.

Question: What is the future going to be like? You once said a very interesting thing. You said man has nothing of his own in this world. Will man come to this?

Answer: I don’t know. Today, looking at humanity, I am no longer so optimistic.

Question: Is this an optimistic hope for you when a person comes to the conclusion there is nothing of his?

Answer: Yes. That would be good. But today, everyone thinks the whole world belongs to them. And they are tearing up the world with this.

Question: If we think this world is for me and is all mine, I tear it up, right?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, you’re saying the feeling of “this is my home, this is my country” is not quite right from the point of view of a spiritual height?

Answer: Of course not.

Question: What should it be, what should a person come to?

Answer: It should be the re-education of all mankind, to make us feel our whole planet is our home, our common home, for everyone. So, we would make a good common home here.

Question: So, it’s not my specific place, but the whole planet?

Answer: The whole planet.

Question: Because I am a guest on this planet, should I come to this or not—that I am a guest?

Answer: You may not be a guest. But you have to make sure this place is suited for all. And so should everyone.

Comment: You didn’t say “for me,” you said “for everyone.”

My Response: For everyone of course.

Question: So, my thought should be “from myself to others?” While so far, it’s been “from me to me?”

Answer: That’s the problem!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/23/23

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