Defeat the Creator

947Question: In the amplitude of the race of our ten and the Creator, He is constantly ahead. Even if we descend, He is still ahead of us down there. How can we outrun Him or at least stick to Him?

Answer: Why should we overtake Him?

Remark: But we have to defeat Him; we are His children.

Answer: It is possible to defeat the Creator only if we lower ourselves. The more we annul ourselves, the closer we get to the Creator.

Question: How can we lower ourselves so we end up at the top?

Answer: To do this, we must completely annul ourselves as if we do not exist in desires, intentions, actions, or anything. And then we will be able to cling to the Creator, and be at the highest and, at the same time, the very bottom.

Question: Is it possible now, in our condition?

Answer: We must try. We are trying to do all these actions and movements. And when will it work out? I think maybe soon.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “In the Place Where You Find His Greatness“

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