Against Your Nature

528.01The basic principles of working in a group are mutual inclusion and the abolition of egoism toward each other. You can reach this state through rapprochement with your friends in the ten and through the joint study of the Kabbalistic materials of Baal HaSulam and Rabash. This is a lot of work when friends get together, read articles, discuss them, and thus become closer.

Question: But our nature is egoism. Is a person capable of canceling it?

Answer: Yes. A person can gradually abolish egoism by studying according to the Kabbalistic method.

Question: Let’s say we are reading an article. What should I cancel?

Answer: While reading the article, you strive toward the spiritual state it describes, and therefore gradually get closer to the state. That is how we move forward.

Question: The point is that this is an example of mutual inclusion. I can understand it. We read together, I get involved in the text, and I join the author’s thoughts. What example can you give of self-cancellation?

Answer: Cancellation occurs as a result of the fact that we act against our nature for the sake of getting closer to our friends and to the Creator. Through the efforts, we gradually approach those spiritual properties that designate the Creator: connection, mutual assistance, love, and so on.

Question: Let us say that now we have decided to gather in a group to read an article, and I have other more important things to do with egoistic fillings, but I cancel them and do spiritual things. Can you say that in this way, I cancel myself?

Answer: Yes, this can also be considered an anullment.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/5/23

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