How Can I Bring Contentment to the Creator?

938.02Question: You said that I should be in fear before the Creator. How can I be in this fear? What is it? Is it a thought? A state?

Answer: This is a state where I am looking for ways to please the Creator and what I can do to bring contentment to Him.

Comment: I have a feeling that every day I miss so many opportunities to bring contentment to Him.

My Response: Eventually, all the opportunities will come together, and everything will work out for us.

Question: How can I come to feel at least once that I am really bringing Him contentment?

Answer: Try to hug your friends and raise them all together to the Creator. Awaken them so that together you would come closer to Him.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/18/23, Writing of Rabash “What Is “The Earth Feared and Was Still,” in the Work?”

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