As If for Your Own Children

938.05Question: Why does joy arise in my automatically when a child takes his first steps or begins to speak, but joy for a friend I must gnaw out of myself and ask it from the Creator?

Answer: The fact is that if your child receives something good, you automatically rejoice for him, and moreover, you feel that it was given to you. This is our attitude toward our children. But we do not have such feelings toward other people’s children.

In principle, our attitude toward children is much more reverent than toward ourselves, which is why we behave this way and feel this way.

Question: Is it possible that joy for our friends will also arise in us automatically?

Answer: If the light of the Creator descends on us, then we will rejoice for our friends as we do for our children, and even more.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Support in the Torah, in the Work?”

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