The Difference Between the World of Atzilut and the Worlds BYA

259.01Question: What is the difference between the world of Atzilut, the world of corrections, from the three worlds of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya?

Answer: The difference is that the worlds of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya are, as it were, under a curtain, under concealment. In these worlds, we can rise and fall, but at the same time, we do not feel anything divine, anything related to the upper, to the Creator.

In the world of Atzilut, however, the Creator is already manifesting. That is why this world is called Atzilut from the word “Etzlo” (at His, He).

Question: Do all corrections take place in the world of Atzilut?

Answer: Not exactly corrections but their result.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 11/7/23

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